National Treasures – after the first decade, it became apparent that some Life Members were collecting Life memberships many times over. Other Life members were contributing many hours behind the scenes to the benefit of the WBS, so a new category of membership was setup to acknowledge the most generous contributions of these Life Members. They have been awarded the status of National Treasures. They have the “walk of the Wellington Bluegrass Society”, i.e. once awarded, never have to pay to attend a WBS Society night for the rest of their lives. They are, in order of appointment: (with dates where known)

Winnie Winston 
Frank Sillay 
John Sutherland 
Colleen Trenwith 
Graham Lovejoy 
The Canadian Sisters (21st May 2004)
Ian Tompson 
Tony Larsen 
Garrett Evans 
Julian Ward 
Jim Delahunty (16th Dec 2006)
Don Franks (16th Dec 2006)
Bill Hester 
Costa Botes (17th Dec 2010)
Hugh Macdonald (17th Dec 2010)
Catherine “BB” Bowness (5th Dec 2014)
Jack MacKenzie (17th July 2015)
Bob Cooper-Grundy (21st Aug 2015)
Mike Hopley (20th June 2014)
Legal Tender – Ian Campbell & Moira Howard-Campbell (18th Mar 2016)
Don Milne (12th Oct 2018)
Cameron Dusty Burnell (14th Dec 2018)
Derek Kirkland (19th July 2019)
Carol Bean (18th Sept 2020)
Peter Dyer (26th Sept 2020)
Andrew London (10th Oct 2020)
Tony Burt (16th Oct 2020)
Peter Madill (19th Aug 2022)
Dave Murphy (24th June 2023)
Simon Carryer (17th May 2024)
Brendan Schenk (17th May 2024)
Kim Bonnington(21st Sept 2024)

Wellington Bluegrass Society, Petone New Zealand
for good fun and fine music !